No thanks
Seems like a DDoS or some type of attack. Or maybe we all got kicked for some reason for updates.
Hey mate, still not able to get on OP fac?
Try to get more support on this you guys, lets strive to get this on are forms.:)
Mate, want my kits for anything for some prison money?
Chu is so pretty.
Thank you to everyone who has been supporting so far, keep supporting and tell others so we can get this privilege of having art on this form.
Got check out this tread I made you might like it ;)
I appreciate you guys thinking and supporting this. @jedijosiah I understand that this is a concern to some, but I think that If someone would...
Introduction: Hello im xxEVILxELMOxx I have been playing on Mineverse for about 8 months now and I have noticed on the forms that there are so...
Whats the player reset list?
Hello Christ, im still ban from prison think that I can get some help?
Can we finish my appeal? Please
Hello there good mate.
Yo what happen mate spongebob left Im out.
Good run kid
Elmo knows where you live
Would you be so kind and look at my Ban appeal, that I made. Thanks c;
Your ingame name: xxEVILxELMOxx The offender's ingame name: VinceCowisBeffy A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Auction scam~...