Thank you for your comment!
Support. If I was the owner I would give you one last chance. If you failed that .... and I was the owner of the server... I would never allow you...
good luck. I support
The one and only..... VIANK96!!! yup. this is my profile. DEAL WITH IT
kit kat stay on topic and no support sorry add more detail and why you should be a mod
Thank you
Thank you for understanding, But since I'm new to the whole forum thing what do I have to do to get member or higher?
NO SUPPORT!!!! Tips: Way more information, Why you should be a mod, whats seperates you from the other mods,color, tell us about yourself, AND...
Fix the colors then i will support
Can you guys please check out my The name is Viank96's second mod app. Just search viank96
Thank you!
Done! :)!!
Thanks so much I will do that ! :)
Welcome to viank96's mod application! Hey guys! I am here again to do my second mod app. Before we go to the questions, I'd like to tell everyone...
Sorry but I SUPPORT! Nice Job and good luck! :)