i did my name the hacker name what hacks he uses and evidence i did that everyone ignores it... so i am never gonna report any hacker anymore....
i cant see becuase i am banned lol
i poeted 5 hacker reports, and now i am 10 days banned because i report people.. srew this i am never reporting anyone, mods never look to my...
5$? hahaha okay come on the server and il give u 5 ol, just kill 5 more people, what where u selling for 5? gold, enderpearls, sword??
well i got already someone banned that said the same, later he got recorded xD
[ATTACH] Your ingame name: whitettiger The offender's ingame name: BobFizz12671 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Kill aura...
yes u can defenetely see that he is using language that is not good
u reported yourself LOL huzuni hacks
i was banned on forums for 5 days so i made a quick alt. just a troll xD