No it's like Crypto:"I've decided to give you the server of mine verse. You are now the owner." Pile_Of_Butts: "Too much work X_X" :3
Wewp Wewp Da dewp shewp da woop Jaja. Yush. Just Yes. C.A.N= Connecticut Association Of The Nether
Amazingly Fab Selfies with Mods FTW Derpdaherpherp
That is me whenever I see Miley Cyrus.
FTW Grayson FTW.
ChrisCutey123 Scammed me. He Scammed me 390 On Skyblocks Claiming to pay me back. He's a god so I believe it. I bring him the golden apple and he...
Happy Early B Day!
Chriscutey123 Scammed me 390 Bucks On Skyblocks. Derk! Ban Him! Ban Him! I didn't think a person with the god rank would scam. I was wrong.
How old are you? 13 Your in-game name: Mikeattacker1 What timezone are you in? Eastern Standard Time What country do you live in? USA What...
@Derp Derp. Just Derp.
Hail Mineverse!
Mineverse FTW