Its OP So technechly Strength is OP But the Thing is is it too OP? I mean It appears to be OP So it would fit in OP PVP. I'd say add it in.
Yeah Yeah Whatever.
No Support No one needs a you tuber rank.
Yeah but they payed more for OP stuff Anyway.
Hello. Mr. Sheepy :3
Thanks for the feedback! And I fixed it up.
Pile I have one question, When did gray get the image of you and the reason he does not go AFK Xd?
@prince_planet_2 Why you gotta go tagging me?
No support needs a lot more detail on all your sections Good luck though.
Usually I'm On Skyblocks, Skygrid, And Skywars Which is probably why you've never seen me And I've never seen you.
Used the advice. Appreciated Once again.
Thanks for the feedback. Appreciated.
Before I begin I'd like to tell you a little bit about myself. About Me: So Firstly, I am a kind, and nice 13 year old mine craft player. I play...
Glad You had a very happy birthday Pile! Hope This years Exciting! Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday To you. Mineverse Loves you. Happy birthday Dear Pile We all Love you too! <3