Introduction Hi my name is Javier Hernandez and today I will be applying to be a Moderator. I just wanted to say that I hope you enjoy this...
Ok thanks :D
How do you level up unarm ? And If involves mobs like i heard, where are the mobs ? Please leave a comment Thank You
Wanting to upgrade to MVP :)
Yeah i haven't play alot due to trying to save everything
Hey Guys, my idea for KitPvp is for we could rent chest for ingame money because sometimes I get stuff that I want to store in at enderchest but...
Ok but what about an explosive pick A pick that explodes surround ores
Yes i understand that But like how do you expect me to do that? create the maps and layout rules where ? and then how will the server owners take...
Soo Me Creating These Maps And Rules? And For The Quest/adventure or the boss battles?
I think there should be a new game. Like for example a quest/adventure game. A game where you team up with people and do quest. Or if not like a...
I Think It'll Be Cool To Have A Mini Parkour While We Wait :) You Guys Agree? Or Not?
Ohh Okay Thanks For The Advice
Well Comment And I'll Be Back Lol i Gtta Go To School
I Thnk That We Should Add NEW Special Pickaxes That You Can Purchase For Prison. Like A Smelter Pick, a pickax that you can smelt items without...
I Agree With A New Rank But Not With The Things You Named In It. And Thats Too Much Money For A Rank Also
Its Ok :(
Aww ok i understand ... Thanks Anyways
Ok Thanks Guys :D
Lol But How ?