lol soz
Plz evidence that you bought it and let seen that u are a MVP
plz send a mail to: [email protected] of add Cyriotmerks69 on skype
You have a minecraft server account?
thankz for da follow
Thankz to answer the questions!
:P, i have edit it plz undo rate it :D
please say your IGN And evidence you buy it
Most you login on minecraft servers for that!?
Noobcrew, thanks for the awesome server <3
Im the winner From this month #iwantreallytitan
Thanks that you say that i may win :P
1. Gratz all 2. I swear that i win this month i want TITAN
The 1 can do not survival the other can well do skywars... Its weird
Hey Glitcher, what i typ is not bad its Dutch plz do your rating way official is this rating for NOTHING
Hey Rob, het Skywars geval is ook bij mij gebeurt. Ook bij de email die ik heb gestuurd hebben ze niks gedaan. Survival Games heeft niemand een...
Hoi Jael, hier is een link naar de thread: