Okay, but is it allowed to vote in 15 days 30 times?
I'll got an ask, if i vote 60 times in a month is it allowed or i get a ban with it?
welcome to Mineverse Forums Pile_of_Butts. enjoy it :)
+1 support
votemv.com doesnt give me a link to activate me account pls fix this. @CypriotMerks
I dont lose me rank, xxxKatexxxKatie lose her rank. She bought God August 1/2, but she didnt received it. So, its [Help] xxxKatexxxKatie [Lost...
donation rank back! ;) (skywars)
+1 follower :)
@CypriotMerks @Grayson @Pile_of_Butts she dont have the god rank, plz add to the fix list/make the God rank :D
@Lola Perez is it really forbidden? soz :(
Ichi i dont ly: [IMG] @Ichidna
But try a ban Appeal, better a try than not ;)
John smith: http://www.minecrafttexturepacks.com/john-smith-legacy/ Doe nu hetzelfde bij Martin's texture pack (nu meteen kopieren zonder folder...
Martin's texture pack: http://www.mediafire.com/download/flc3vbns2li23bd/HEAL_Pony%27s+Texture+Pack.zip open de folder en kopieer niet heal_ponys...
@moneyking41 plz stop with cussing, the signs on ur plot, the reports, scamming... stop now
@Grayson @Pile_of_Butts plz help to ban this guy :D