Cause, i am not a er for faction, i will make it funny and not factions off Btw: soz for bad english :p @brazil2170
Rank:God IGN: milanwesthoff Mcmmo : Power: 195 Mining:72 ACrobatics or something like that:55 Sword: 55 Excavation:20 Unarming: 2 but imbusy to...
I did broke the rule: 1 egg per game. I didn't know this, and MRSmiley11 say: Milan get banned. So, when he report me pls don't ban me. I won't do...
Soz for the advertising to that xbox gold card. I did see later it just was fake ;(
oh this is cool I received a Xbox Live gold code for free! I got it at Listen! I know you guys wont believe this but I...
I lost AGAIN me rank on skywars. pls fix it. 1. ING: milanwesthoff 2. Why i need me rank back? I bought for $100 USD and this 2nd time i lose me...
Your ingame name: milanwesthoff The offender's ingame name: Newtdog A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Stopping block glitch...
What the heck is BungeeCord!?
ok, thx. this is me best tactick for winning a game
Hi, i found a tactick for skywars but me ask is, is this bannable?: [IMG] When the game start you set the water and 'fly' to the top. is this...
hoi jael
Thanks Cyp! <3
IF mineverse are only fac, there are donors like Titan they doesnt play factions but skyblock. than he donate $250 for: NOTHING
No, i want not that mineverse only factions are. no support
The Mineverse spawn portal has now 4 games for adding. I vote for: Hide n seek and The Walkin Dead. the other 2 are for other guys. so +0.5 support
No support. you say all OP Spots so. make a vid of it
+1 support
Leg ik uit op Skype
+1 Support :D