Smfh. Please buy a 15$ booter and DDoS big MC servers. Skids -.-
Who tf is this kid?
Why this still here Smfh.
Lmao Skids...
Happy birthday Bby girl.
@Camel . Look her picture like omg.........
You look so hot in your profile pic, should hit me up . ;)
Should come back.
Yes, I know what a english exam. Because I am not the dumb fk putting a full stop before "and" lmfaoo.
Hey, sorry I guess we all didn't know we were sitting in a English exam. By the way if you special people can't understand that this is a troll...
Did you just say? "Isp hacking." Lmfaoooo. (ily) Ontopic: When skids find out what a DDoS attack is. Ahahahahahah.
Is that your favourite picture?
I don't forgive you I am gonna rate disagree on the thread cause I am 12 and butthurt. :(
Please, Go back to playing MC with your "best online friends". Looking at your avatar tells me you are a fail at life. Goodluck.
Just checked skype. A**hole.
Hey you look good, wanna be my next e-girlfriend?
How much little kids are on MV now? Lol.
I am gonna call it OP is probably a 12year old.
Lol, Kid you haven't killed me.
My irl gf. @Glaadiator