B em p?? :eek:
Sorry for the inactivity this week. Had state testing going on.
B uM P :P
B u m p :)
Thank you Sportings!
I'll join :p
If you've heard that from Hydra he's incorrect. Also some donors hack with less obvious clients which it takes some experience to detect. @Skype...
There's one thing incorrect about what you said. It's not cyp that's making changes anymore it's noobcrew and Pile behind the scenes. Sad to see...
Thank you Moni
Thank you gabe
Thanks shireen I actually needed that right about now! Appreicate it <3
Welcome to forums!
b u m p
I don't have many wins on xbox one my overall is 70+ but add me up: GT is Resport
Cya extender
I'm addicted to fortnite...I think we both are! xD
What level are you? lvl 89 maxed battle pass Favourite game mode? (solo, to2 etc) Solo / Squad Favourite weapon? Scar / bolt Highest killstreak?...
No Support as of now. I would like to see more Reports, activity, and forums active. Get to know the community more. Personally you don’t have...
B u m p
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Cotner The offender's exact ingame name: Derpxy A...