No problem! I feel like the right people for the job are already mods in their own way:3
I hope to see you around, as well:D
Thanks! Everyone is so nice here, its amazing
XD I kinda forgot I posted this.. Thanks for the Welcomes! ik im a little late for intros, but oh Whale! :p
Support! You seem like a great person for Mod!
Im going to give myself whiplash if I don't stop listening to hardcore dubstep>.<
Anyone a fan of the Mortal Instruments? It took over my life, and it still has it>.<
XD Im still up. wbu?? I bet not. & Welcome BESTIE
This is utterly off topic, but I LOVE your profile picXD
I support 100%! Based on how I have seen you both on forums, and the server, you seem like a good person fit for the mod role:D
I support, based on how I've seen you in chat. Good Luck!:D
I haven't met you before, and I am not sure exactly who you are yet. Add more detail, and I may reconsider on weather to support. For now, because...
Im working on that now:3 Thanks for help, too!
hi there people! I know I'm a newbie to the forms. Kind of. My account was made back in January sometime.. But I only just started to realize what...
I hope to know everyone on the forums well soon:3
Okay, that's np! I hope to know everyone on the forums, just because I know you are great people!:)
Thank you! :D
Yes, I would ban you if it came down to that. But for one, I'm not mod. I know for sure, that you don't hack. I also make it a point to welcome...
Thanks so much for the support:D