Yes, and I am not saying that remove the ability to report staff members. If you were to read the prior messages, I have stated that if a mod is...
Thanks for the opinion. However what I suggested is nothing like removing reports completely. As I said, when a mod gets reported falsely, for...
My suggestion is exactly as the title says. Back story: I was astonished when I saw how many reports were being made on staff members. A very...
The lobby keeps crashing. Cyp knows, he has tried restarting it a few times, but every time he does, it is flooded by loads of people joining,...
How much wood could a woodchuck cut if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Kato bb
What is an barnaby?
I joined last October, and still a new member, shrekt
hi hi hi
@almarobb123 - May as well ban the advertiser 'xXITzLucPvPXx' at 1:04 in the vid. What is even more worrying than you getting kicked for supposed...
I do not think the problem is getting out of the map, but more simply, as no one can get to his location without hacking, it gives him an unfair...
It backs up my point perfectly ;)
Due to the inability to change a minecraft username, we have always had to just ignore any offensive names. But being kicked or banned for saying...
ty ty
Here is my map design: It was inspired by a duck. It was very compact, and everything will be chaotic, and messy so I...