'If you're going to say something dont say it at all' - The logic that is made in this post is just mind-blowing. Also, this thread status...
Shhh, I noticed it just as I posted the thread.. And Im lazy, so yee ;)
@Glitcher726 Look!!! http://prntscr.com/523bpw
PM me a link to it, please.
I got scammed 21k on kitpvp by a guy with the ig name 'Larry' help pls (Not larrythepigeon202 tho, it was just 'Larry')
Are you sure they were using Xenforo?
A much better method to stop the bots would be to put some kind of Captcha authentication.
No, we're just talking about the spam bots here. Ignore the trolls, as the time delay wouldn't effect them in the slightest.
Are these threads created by bots, or people that sit behind a computer, creating posts for money? Because if they're made by bots, this...
Yup, my suspicion was correct: http://prntscr.com/51kdke
No, but from what I remember, Xenforo have limited the following/followers to 1000, as prior to this, people were reporting getting 'Out of...
You explain not being able to speak English, in English... Am I missing something? :t:
Gratz m80
Following 1000 people, and not one of them is me? The feels.
I doubt it, as at the end of the day, it is what it is called, a donation, not a purchase.
You need a few more stars lad ;) I think it was 128... I don't know why that number comes to mind though.. :P
Okay, cheers for the opinions.
In reality, what would that change? This already exists, yet nothing happens to those that falsely report.
You're stuck in the mindset of thinking that reports on staff should happen all the time. For example, on .net, there is less than 1 report on any...