There has been so much controversy over where I got this proof from, so much so that it seems no one has even cared about the reality of this...
No one is leaking. Thanks, but I want this left open.
@CypriotMerks - This is for you. the appeal was posted on saturday, panda didn’t respond to it at all, and vamesa ended...
I was about to reply with a witty comeback, but: If you want my comeback, you're going to have to wipe it off your mothers face....
Too lazy to find out what it says, so I am just going to assume you're asking me out on a date, and that I will agree to it. :D
Ok. But only on Wednesdays pls. The rest of the days my fan girls are showering me in complements, soz.
He simply gave his opinion, as others have given theirs.
Nope, dont think its working..
Yes, indeed you do. :D
I guess you now also have it, after that person licked you in your picture.
This is very fun, being able to see all these posts. Love you to ma'darlin'
That signature just backs up this entire thread.
Bump cos swag - Lets get the word around. :) @Glitcher726
Iff I hadd toooooo..... @Barnaby
This will never happen. One of the most prominent points of having moderators is to help people. How can people know to ask you for help if you...
May as well remove that command entirely then?
Is there a reason that they have /suicide at all? (Keep in mind, I dont play, this may be a stupid question)
Although you can do almost the same thing with the forums search bar, this is interesting.. Support.
You took this off topic thread, off topic. Congratz
Blame @Taylor she told me everything. lolol