he has my support
id support this <3
excuse the sound in the background
ign: Squidacuss other player: cruddypalladin22 Reason: hacking on the server Vid [MEDIA]
today i was on factions and had been reading the chat when a fellow member had come onto factions and asked around if somone would record this...
lol that video though XD
i am 15 years old my ign is squidacuss i live in eastern standard time i live in pennsylvania usa i speak alot of english and some spanish that i...
today I was playing kitpvp and I was asking around for someone to sell me prot4 on factions and I had a guy message me saying he will sell me it...
ok so I had just logged on to factions like a normal day and I tped to LadyGordaCorn and mastercarta and they had been doing a tp trap
today at 9:30 eastern standard time I had tried to raid a base but whenever I shot my tnt at the base it would explode but wouldn't break the...
reporting: flamesword5678 reported by: bakiller69 reason: scamming evidence: below these are screen shots of the msg's
player:matthewdog8 reason: auto fire bow hacks proof: [media]
unet45 who is a god had said I could buy his kit from him for $1000 I had payed him the $1000 as soon as he said pay first and then he wont give...
zero_inzanity has taken the titan healing way to far he keeps healing me and numerous other when we pot up to eliminate the pot effects and we...
I am reporting coleweber for scamming me he said that he would repair my p4 for me and so he said ok and all he did was repair it and then he...
he should be banned for spam I have several screen shots of it
see here is the evidence saying he hacks
ask lionbcraft next time he got on he was the one who I payed and I got a noob saying he hacks