Yes I did read that I just wasn't sure you left out your eldest name. Besides that very good moderator application and I will be supporting as I...
Wondering if that was your old ign
Hope this turns out true. I mainly hope this turns out true because I have heard many complaints and I'm afraid to say we could be losing slight...
Neutral you should put more thought into oppvp and what other tanks would get and how this reset will affect the players because oppvp is one of...
I think it would be a good idea if... the team you pick can be named, it is a different server, you had leader boards for who is on top and you...
Make sure if you're in AU you're using
The good times right boys
At the doctors so I cant get on today. Sorry all
Always! and forever!
Excellent profile <3
Was or is <3
Like I said I delteded it all
Thanks pile <3
I'm truly a nice person message me if you want to chill
Honestly I still to this point have no idea how I was being rude but we're all entitled to our own opinion Yeah I Yeah I know now Thank you...
This is what I look like and yes I dislocateded my knee
Thank you Exstatisfy there is no doubting I will be on this path for a very long time
The greatest choice of words for this post thank you!