Can u help solve a report at please?
First Week Of School... Gone. Time for another 200 or so days of it :I
School on Monday :I SUCKS!
Java is a the platform that they run the minecraft version compatible files for, so Java has its own separate bin file. C++ was bearly used in the...
Cuz I can reset the arrays of the minecraft version file and make my own mod out of python programming platform
... Lol, isn't mojang built out of java script programming btw?
I don't understand any of that, although I'm learning how to program
I SUPPORT CANUCKS!!! U DA BEST!!! slurp slurp
Someone is threatening to DDoS the server... Please make sure u have a firewaller wifi system and full protection. That person is Punisher, he's a...
Prosquad? That name sucks(no offence). Be a bit more creative
Well, I watch utube and go on minechat, then pull some phone pranks on ppl
[ATTACH] Hello My username is LeBrand The offenders name is Touch_My_Sacks They repeatedly use inappropriate language after being warned many...
So.... If Im An MVP and I was top voter, do I get Elite? ^-^
She would be a good guard, even a moderator, She is good to people and encourages them to do the right thing ^-^ Shes awesome
I do, check the attached files
[ATTACH] This is Badass085's Picture of him hacking My username is LeBrand First one, Badass085 They had gliding hacks, used by the "hacked...