Another server. Factions
I have. Better than you have ever accomplished actually
dude, show me ur PC then I'll research.
show me then. send me a link to a pic of it
Jealousy... pure jealousy...
I show them because I feel like I accomplished something bish so stfu
You kinda sound like a predator(no offence). I think you're just jealous.
I don't use the VC runner currently. It uses more then 30% of my PC memory. So far only 3 of them are in use.
Lemonade stands to get the money :D
Bruh. You would officially have the highest FPS ever recorded in Minecraft. Also what kin of PC do you have? But also remember I wasn't running...
Smartass. I can hold 6 VC's with my external VC runner
NO it's not. I just and external core to hook the VC up to the x700
IGN: LeBrand Current Rank: God(please don't downgrade me)
Look at fps. We should host a 1v1 tournament
@Mookiezzx @Ducky
U already OP enough on infection. U dont need a God kit xD @Mookiezzx
If u are top voter, do u also get upgraded?
I'm in mineverse and I press F3 and notice I'm at 940FPS. Now, I am running NO MODS. And all my settings are maxed. I'm on my Lenovo x70 Erazor...