CourtCourt504q-me Hacker-Du_monkey Flying [media]
CourtCourt504q-me Person Who broke the rules- Jacob_gay He was flying [media]
[media] [media] [media] I have tons more :D
Thanks for the advice I changed the text :)
yeah sorry xD I saw that when I posted it :P
Add more details! and check your spelling :)
Add more details! :)
Support Nice.
Use less color. And give more information on your why you should be a mod. :) But, other then that good job
Hello, I'm Courtney or as people may know me, CourtCurt504q Thanks for clicking on this I hope you like my app! Have a wonderful day. <3...
idk I might have just set it up wrong.
I had optifine but it just didn't help
xD it's surprising cause my computer sucks
I'm 5"6 and 13 :P
60-80 fps :P
Congrats guys!!!!!