support he is one of the biggest reporters ive seen plus hes on often :)
i use skyblocks then just mark SKYGRID on the title
@Pile_of_Butts he did twice and no response thats why I tagged you
maybe @Pile_of_Butts can contact them
the only people I knoww that could help would be @CypriotMerks gwism? might be spelt wrong
30 seconds in shows him default rank 2:30 shows him flying
tyler489 anderbros flyhacks [media]
35 maybe we will make it
i was told to contact Dont know if that was right i got mine within 5 min
tyler489 awesome_988 death warp Duh :) and after i escaped...
i saw this and recoded it but fraps crashed deleating my video so all i have is this screenshot showing him as the default rank...
tyler489 element_gam3r having a lv 30 enchanted sharpness sword i think this is hacks as i dont know a legit way to get a sharpness 30 d swords...
and bukkit me I the banned command I rhink because it pypasses spam guard again (i think)
essentials me is always purple or blue yes thats what im saying
I think it bypasses spamguard
the /me in that pictire os the essentials /me otherwise it would be white
ok why is it banned anyway @Pile_of_Butts
/me is banned why ?