you're a babe
Thanks for the feedback :D, I've been working hard on getting active member.
Thank you for your input and support <3
When Bane blows up a whole football field :O @ScoFu13
about to watch me some good ole batman, the dark night rises @ScoFu13
I've never experienced you in game, but I really like your app, you have my support.
I fully agree with this idea, support.
Why thank you :D
He said tanks on my post on his app so I did the same xD
Tanks for the feedback. I've been adding much more to my app because you're not the first person to say that there's a lack of detail.
Support! great app :O
road to active member.
Your ingame name: GuTLessMAN The offender's ingame name: yahyamasalha A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Advertisement...
I just added some more detail about my traits and what I'll do as a guard. Thanks for the feedback!
Hey, I added more paragraphs about my traits and what I'll do. Thank you so much for your criticism.
bb <3
Support! I think you have what it takes :P
Archer PvP is a ton of fun! Now to get Titan so I can not get wrecked all the time xD.