IT WAS ME...............
Yo dangerous
Its true I play xbox/computer till 9am then the same day I sleep till 10am then do gaming
Hey is it a good idea I stay awake till 9am then sleep till 10am????
Omg WHAT DID YOU DO THE THE nice forest???????
he doesn't hack
Go check out mah channel <3,
I don't mind <3
This is the pic I made for it
Hey can you make me one <3 for my yt channel please??
So you saying I am a hacker still well that's just great.
I'm not hacking anymore and she will never unban me so thats techincly breaking rules and my last ban on killedlikeaboss for kitpvp was for being...
Yeah 5times on KitPvP not the lobby now banned from the lobby for good thats just total rubbish anyway she can be demoted for all I care.
So Pile thinks she can break the rules keep me off ???
To be honest ShamusCoyne DdoSed mineverse 5times and he got unbanned don't you think its unfair? that I threatend to and he did it and he got...
1. Killedlikeaboss 2. Pile_Of_Butts 3. Spam deny my ban appeals trying to get me to NEVER come on mineverse ever again. 4....
Nothing to say...
Never supporting @TheHiddenOne143 for 3 reasons. Reason 1: He's trying to get rid of me reporting me for total nothing. Reason 2: He disrespects...
Get mod <3