Disrespect much contact me on skype and we talk more <3
Lol I train Jonesey654321 on my server to pvp and skydiver I am better then you thats why he is
Anyone wanna record with me??
Do it lol
Are you a doctor or somthing??
You not only one sick I have no school being sick thanks for making me sick earth I hate school
Since when have you thought this of me you blocked me off skype for complete nothing want to have me back as a friend add me on my new skype...
#Changedmind @TheHiddenOne143 has been so nice to me the couple of days HE needs mod NOW
Yeah I know but really perm ban from lobby I want to play skyblock skywars with friends now I can't thanks to pile she is just perm banning me...
Omg MPG what is with you and saying dub ban appeal I just got my access to forums back and now you just remove my ban appeals lame....
he say he no hack all time he lie
is it ready now
I'm ok thanks for helping me this is...
omg just been skyping with a friend for 5hours I GOT A HEAD ACHE NOW
Ok add you when I next come online.
hey anyone wanna be friends on xbox 360
why you reply you removed me off skype D;