Ok thats it I am starting to the finish 1-50 FINALLY WE WIN
Secret is sign up for www.votemv.com and then vote same time every day maybe do it at midnight on a phone or pc I don't know I don't care to be...
Well I just broke a rule on a new server I just joined it says no mods aloud I DO WHAT I WANT
Nothing say 15 16
What ever this clan is crap anyway MissPVP fight without a team get 50v1ed and die in hell peace
Dude I thought you left this clan
Contact me because your not even in this clan so stop it little kid and 1v1 me for once before I got banned you said in a call I am scared if you...
What you saying?? How am I all over misspvp I hate her she hates me
Ok me and my friend was skyping and he was sharing screen and then his mic sounded so bad after 5mins he frooze/lagged out he came back around and...
I know whats wrong
I have had probs with this kid hacking before
I hope cypriot sees my appeal for the lobby and my IP+kit
People are leave because of MissPvP being fake done and over
No I know why they left jerry
Ermmm everyone hates me you know