yea i got confused writing it a little
I Think That we should maybe change the upgrades in the shop menu to something a little different e.g: If I was a, VIP and wanted to get god/(or...
support, i tink you will be a kool mod.
Sorry i dont give any support,
maybe a bit more color-full and some more information.
Needs Alot More Information,
yes that is glide but, as you turn around i think a god may be glide hacking too.
Your ingame name: pumagirl19 The offender's ingame name: xXxS3XYB3ASTxXx A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: maybe glide but...
Your in-game name: pumagirl19 The offender's in-game name: jypatel A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: climb...
Your ingame name:Pumagirl19 The offender's ingame name:blokus78 & robosmith10 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: they both...
Yay! jadey would be a great mod Defentily Support
Yay! go elsa support! bit more info next time, good luck!
Ok Then
Its Normally Just Under Your Fourm Just A Simple Edit Button ^.*
ik, maybe he played that map before?