Top voter much?
This is a rip off BTW what rank are you currently?
Juljul232 2.5k 0 cos I don't go on kitpvp
This seems hard.
Welcome to the forums!
Support you are very nice also im back to normal I'm teamed like before don't worry I won't kill you :P you would make a great mod!
o.o thanks not I have only 2.5k :(
You need evidence if you want your rank.
You have a gapple...
Well I know you did have those lvls cos you were talking about hem IG so I believe you cos urw not the type hat lies.
Wait it removed 100 of your lvls?
You need screenshots if you want to get the rank. Also please do not try cheat getting Titan if you did.
@CypriotMerks please add this map!
No I'm just saying that its impossible to get 100k on kitpvp
If you don't mind I could teach you a few skills on infection :p
Bakey* studied autocorrect xD
Hi bakery where ya been I need your eggs on infection :¶
Hai Elsa c:
Really? :D
Goodbye ;(