Yes this is very annoying.
Hai c:
Mission accomplished.
Just deal with the fact that you didnt win imagine 20 ppl with 31 votes cyp wouldnt promote 20.
Goodbye Alix, its sad to see someone like you go ; (
Im a titan now but I would be at Supreme if I didnt get top voter, lel
Neh m8 I got titan. :p
What was the longest holiday you have ever had?
No support for now, however if you add more detail I will reconsider and maybe give you support. Good Luck :)
Support. Youre very kind and reponsible. Good luck :)
Its Impossible to be on this server for 2 years. Plus youre a new member. Dont lie in your mod app.
Very detailed and precise application, support! Good Luck.
Work on your spelling and add more detail.
I never said that. Why are you making stuff up?
How was i being rude to you?
Not really worth it
Omg, its a watermelone inside a watermelone!!!
Lol I got #1 place in september and october.
What rank are you currently?
@Lego_batman_1 just stop complaining on votemv you were like 7.