Ok accepted.
Guys taking a break so I will try to take most of the time on forums to reply. got tons of homework though.
ok accepted.
OF COURSE. welcome bud.
Welcome! accepted as Peacekeeper.
its fine
I will think about it, because mostly p3 to p4 minimum, but maybe.
Accepted as Peacekeeper.
Accepted as Mod.
Good idea, Support.
Don't ban him then. Ill get more evidence if I see him again. Also Ill try to keep an eye on him.
I don't but Im sure it was him, but if you don't ban him then it's fine...I guess but I did see him and he was clearly gliding
look on full size picture you will see it.
My ign: juljul232 The offender's ign: goldhammer25 Gliding hacks. Screenshots: [ATTACH] dang there isn't enough evidence but I clearly saw a...
Good luck, Support man!
Well then. Change your pet. I guess
Faded krt got banned for spawn camping.
blue_phoss is the other name
My Ign: juljul232 Offender's Ign: Joel29112004 Spawn Killing Evidence/screenshots: [ATTACH][ATTACH] That "Kit waste" doe.