No Support. Suggestions: Add more detail Add more color I cannot see the difference between the questions and the answers very good :/ Dont lie...
You download it, log in on the settings page and then add a server and click on it on the servers page ;)
Ok thats fine :P Ill play infection later then ;)
I only bump once a day. After the day is over I delete it, its just that I am replying to people about the app.
Sure :P
Ok thank you, btw if you'd like to know me better, we could play some Skywars right now or something else on MV :P
We will miss you Savvy! You helped me a lot on my mod app. I will miss you!!!!! P.S. Have fun with your family and friends :)
Thank You! Fixed, btw it was supposed to say Skywars :p P.S. Support? Thank you Scorvix!!!
May I ask why you put no on the poll?
Thank You! Unfortunately I cannot change the font as for if I do, it results in it saying (This item is over 10k characters) which is caused by...
Please give a specific time ;)
Thank you for adding them!
Evidence that you have been mod on those servers?
No Support, reasons said by @SanityPrevails :) Good Luck!
@bananaman11223 @Ares_Xena Could we have this thread locked and moved to the archive please?
No Support. Suggestions: You have 2 threads open currently, make sure to close the other first ;) Fix grammatical errors. Looking at your old mod...
Thanks! Heyyyy xD Thank You!
Welcome :D
Add a bit more detail (yes I have read your update part) but other than that, you've got my full support!!!