Ok, Thank you!
Could I have some feedback on things I could improve on? Also, the only two IGNs I have used are the two on the application. minesweeper2012 &...
Hi :) xD Thank You
Me too ;) Hello :D
No Support, perfectly said by Bombaster ;) Good Luck!
Ok :p Hopefully you reconsider your choice then xD
That ill agree with :)
How is it lacking detail? He isn't active I'll agree with that but the application is fine.
Support, but try to add a bit more color and be more active. :)
No Support for reasons perfectly said by Diggy and others.
ok, thank you!
300 Posts!! GG :P
Cooookkiieeesss for Everyone :P 300th Post!!!!
Hello :P
Suppppoooooorrrrtttttttt Heh
Vamesa was a great moderator, Im sad she left :(
Yep :)
Ok :)