hmm :/
Are you serious ..???!!
IGN: Lumin1219 Rank: Sponsor Upgrade/Buy: Vip Offer: Op - Faction: 200k About 68 Potions Stack of Super golden apples 1 Sharp IV axe Kit Pvp: $760...
Its not working.
Yup. I tried to join for 5days.
About 4hours ago.
I tried everything..
Added 20k 0p - fac money
I am just wondering why is Nether/End is not allowed? Also why is there no jungle biomes?
Ign: Lumin1219 Game mode banned on: Op - Faction Link to accepted appeal:...
I ban appaled and @VaMeSa123 said ban appeal has been accepted. But i am still not banned from it.. why..?
IGN: Lumin1219 WHAT SEVER DO YOU PLAY ON THE MOST?: Op - Faction (Creative is second) WHAT RANK ARE YOU NOW?: Sponsor
Can you buy me MVP? Deal: OPFaction: Stack of potion 200k Sharp IV Axe Stack of God apples Kit Pvp: $760
Umm :/
Can you upgrade me to Vip/Mvp? (your choice) i will give you $750 on kitpvp, Stack of god apple ,200k, Sharp IV axe in Opfaction.
added 90k opfaction money (total in 190k)
he did the casino, and he got 3tnts in a row so he died so i picked up his stuff and now he is saying ''I am getting you banned kid'' or ''Enjoy...