Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: I_Am_Dizzy The offender's exact ingame name:...
Hows that gonna stop a sponge from absorbing all the water sources?
You know when I say that, that means for the owner of the land and anyone else right?
No guys, here is the example with me. I own 4 huge mob grinders that have water in each corner of the grinders. Someone with /ej can easily get up...
Thats @xBMAN for you lol
People place sponge near "claimed" water and the water gets absorbed. Its not exactly a devastating grief but when you have a bunch of grinders...
@xBMAN (47 more to go)
But you’re kind of dodging what this fourm is about. I don’t care how they reset the end or expand it, I just care if they give everyone a date or...
Exactly! Everyone having 2 elytras or ten people having 20 Elytras would still be worth the same. Plus everyone deserves to have the same access...
Theyre still gonna be rare items weather only a few people have a lot or a bunch of people only have a few.
People say it will so this is just a suggestion if it does. Also even with the player base we have now, all people talk about is the end reset so...
Highly doubt the owners will do it anyways, but before they reset the end it would be nice if they gave a bit of an announcement before they did...
But you have failed to pay the owners 20$ so it doesn’t matter lol Didn’t you comment this before on another thread?
So let me get this straight, I ask for an end reset and all I get is crap from players but you ask for it and everyone supports? This community is...
Well here’s what happened Noobcrew and Cypriot sat down and said “hey let’s milk these unexpecting kids out of their parents money and make them...
We need owners that’s what we need
What do you mean defense for a base this is survival not factions. But when it comes to it never happening... you’re right
You know what we need more then more staff? Owners who are good at their job
Well you’re in space so obviously an asteroid hit it. Duh
What you said about Merks not caring about his server is totally not true... just have to pay him to care. Honestly we should just organize a day...