for what??
Same! I kinda wish they hadn't tied off the movie quite the way they did, but it does make sense and it was still really good nonetheless.
that rogue one gif in your information tab 10/10
Mineverse was one of the first Minecraft servers I ever played on. My cousin introduced me to Mineverse in August or September of 2013 which was...
scented clorox ftw
add me to the OG convo pls :D
If in the prison isn't an option, can we at least have it enabled in the Nether? Its basically the same as the free world... Either way, I support...
I just recently started getting into music. Needless to say, they are one of my top 5. Brandon Urie's vocal range is nuts.
you like panic! at the disco?
What if I helped you rank up to Free? :)
time 2 make da moneyz
You've been around almost as long as I have, which is quite something. From what I've seen, you're a mature, honest individual whom I am sure...
@tin15cro ;) ;) ;)
Wasn't a surprise to me >:D
Not enough detail. Add more colors. ;) ;) ;) I'm kidding, you have my full support.