Thank you very much @Bantz
Would you agree with what I said near the bottom of page 3 ?
Please read what I said later down page 3. None of the videos that player provided are valid besides one. I wish people would read over the whole...
Please read what I said on page 3 and 5
No only one has gotten me banned. See page 5
None of the videos are real evidence
Thank you friend.
I'm sorry I put what I said in a way that was not understandable to you. Let me re-word. I was implying your Applixation has been up for awhile....
I bet you've been waiting eagerly these last 7 months.
Im sorry to put this so blunt. Out of your 12 comments on my Application I have dissliked 2. Reason being I did not like what was said. And I...
Also look at the date.
I was not hacking in that video? I was also never banned for it. See page 5
I kindly asked them to look over my application. Thank you Zero. I want nothing more than to better Minecverse. Thank you for the support.