So by me rating two of your comments on MY application is really a ton eh?
No support.
This actually made me laugh. I am pretty sure you have been banned before, and if I am wrong then I am sorry about that. I never hacked "shirtless...
Just false accusations with no proof to back up what you say.
This statement is very childish. In fact the way you have been talking this whole conversation is childish.
Well maybe if you wouldn't act so immature and angry we could actually have a civil discussion about this.
I disagree with everything you have to say, Funmakers.
Do you even know how illegal ratting is? I would never do something so idiotic.
We skyped? I do not recall this
I have never 'hacked' anyone's account. And says the person who has been banned multiple times for hacking. I am trying my very best on my...
Bump. Comments or feedback are highly suggested.
Support. Someone give this man Mod already!
Haha just gave some support to a player named "Pile of butts".. Well I think that is their username. I am trying, but thank you so much.
Support. You are an elder to Mineverse so I know you know all the rules Mineverse has to offer. Also you are very mature so I know you will be...
Woke up. Died in PVP. Okay then
Bump <3 Mineverse is beautiful
You are a great friend and a very good/mature factions player. Support ~Zombie__Creed
Right. About my age I have been through this many times, if you read through my application you will see my real name, age and gender. So if this...
Believe me I would change my name if I could.