Just some random stuff i think :P But i just want Herf to apply again if u agree Type #BringHerfBack So i can screen shot it and send it to him :)
Hi guys you may be wondering why there are so many people on kitpvp with the name _Apex..... thats because me and _ApexPredator_ made a clan...
I know Herf_ resigned but i really want him back he was a great person/mod and i keep trying to get him to Re-Apply :)
... Your not a mod
No Support
Support! 100% * A lot of detail * Totes doesn't even hack in game * A lot of colour * Shared his/hers qualities and why they should be Mod Good Luck
Sorry guys but I might be quitting for about 2/3 weeks I'm going on holiday and I cant deal with all the kitpvp hackers :(
No Support Reasons Stated Sorry (you seen nice) just become more Active Play with me in game some time I play mostly kitpvp :)
Hi @WannaSkype I don't see you in game enough to give you Support And there isn't enough information for Neutral So sorry but it needs to be No...
LOL agreed
zPinger I'm happy you applied because I see you a lot But I'm pretty sure a hacker shouldn't become a Moderator Stop the hacks and I will think...
No Support Reasons Support Support Support But maybe lay it out a little better but u have my 85% support <3 I wish you the best of luck and you...
You have my full Support Reasons No Support No Support No Support
No Support Boi Be much more Active in game and on forums Add more info Good luck :) -Apex
Thank you <3
100000000000000000000000000rd <3 you Cypriot
Sorry but no support your re-app isn't a good one Get 10 times for active in game and on forums Play more gamemodes Good luck :) -Apex
Neutral Nice application just add some more information + I see you in game a lot on kitpvp maybe try some other gamemodes I wish you the best of...