Who designed the MV lobby? Looks great
@Gabe, at first i thought it was too vague and non-specific. For example, you could've stated what servers you were hosting/moderating on. How...
For those of you who are wondering, I am not 51 years old ahaha. Merry XMas!!
And a happy new year!
Heyy, Merry Xmas!
no support
hi yall
@Pastel You look cold ;/ Want to wear my jacket? >:)
love u too pastel
Pastel smells like feces , i smell like lavender perfume <3
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name:WreckedViking The offender's exact ingame...
@Pastel, you know what's so beautiful? :'D -Read first word. Have a great day!
@StrKillr ahaha, don't worry, i know it's a joke. :)
you're a life guard? (Jacket in the background)
@StrKillr Pedo predator comfirmed!
@lost What happens if it's a false ban, for example a player being banned for ''hacking'', does the player still lose his/her's stuff? I agree...
Why do people have quotes as there status, if yall gonna do it, might as well fit in. DONT FOLLOW MY FOOTSTEPS, I RUN INTO WALLS.
Why do people have quotes as there status, if yall gonna do it, might as well fit in.
hi there