Ehhh, mk k ;( whatever floats your boat. If it makes you better/happier, i'm all for it
I careless!!! I'm awkward too lol
aww ;/
Okay, dont worry. Hopefully you feel better, best wishes!
o... Summerise it
aha, Join in to this convo!! Hopefully it'll keep you comfort and you'll be a bit better :P
Tell mehhh, I'll help you out!
ehhh, what's the matter? :0
Yah xd I missed you too :P I'm teaming up with these 3 IT workers in which 2 of them have a degree in computer science. They're working on in at...
*deletes comment* LOL my bad, and you're welcome. It's almost 5 dont be mad at me
How you been? I haven't been on MV for a while, a player named Reboot stole my account, swatted me, blacked mailed me if i go on my account etc....
You're younger than me?! I thought i was the youngest on the forums aha. Mods on this server are like 20+.
@Pastel I'm not racist... K?
Hey MoniVI :D
Switch the convo? Okay, what do you like to do in your spare time (other than poking people)
I'm only 13 xd so i'm not in that teenage moody mood yet, that's why i wake up. I also have a huge passion for boxing so that's why i do it.
I mean, i do it 3-4 times a week, gets easier as the days go on. so im used to it
It's normal, I didn't stay up all night xd. It's not that bad waking up at 4 a.m going to practice. It's quite refreshing.