could you look at my msg down below and my apeal?
umm i was recently banned on op facs for death threats by nightfire but i have never said i would kill anyone irl only in game so he might have...
umm bro you banned me for death threats.. i have never if i have its for ign and i also made a ban apeal also i would like to see the evidence
OMg im so cunsfused it said i was banned on p facs for death threats?!?! what i have never said i was gonna kill anyoene irl. ingame yes. can you...
Your ingame name: ToxicGhost The offender's ingame name: OMGitsWolfboyXD and schleincraft A description of what rule they broke/how they broke...
Umm im confused it sas im supposed to be unbanned today. I still cant login
Umm? i got banned on op facs till the 14 and i was wondering why? is says disrespect but im not sure what i said?
im confused. so i was playing op facs and i lagged out and ppl said i died. i just tried to log on and it says on banned till the 14th. do you...
hmm so u think i hack ay?
i missed it sorry. how did wbc get unbanned?
Ok thanks
but i was asking if u could ban him or not and if its enough evidence
oh yes you are
Ohh and i just got the msg about head mod Grats!
btw did you check out my post?
i wasnt sure what they meant by grats because ive seen you as mod for a while
well yes because he said that if a certain mod bans him he will post somthing on him thats blackmailing. Also he said that if i try to call him...
good there you go. and i just added something new about...