Ok no offense @RebornWolf_ but I changed my name for a reason. Why would I loose everything on my new name just for my plot?
Ok sorry lol I asked my friend jazz to circle it to make I more obvious lol ill post a bigger photo in a little bit BC rightly now I need to go to...
Heyi made a report on SupremeBaconz for photoshopping
hi i made a report on SupremeBaconz for photoshop
Your ingame name: ToxicGhost The offender's ingame name: SupremeBaconz A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: I was banned one...
he also threatened to ddos me if i post this
i uploaded a post of ddos threats. Check it out?
Your ingame name: ToxicGhost The offender's ingame name: TheDwayne3 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: They said me and...
Your ingame name: ToxicGhost The offender's ingame name:TheComboTho and irbx A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking...
couldnt supreme be server banned for photoshoping?
fire can you look at what i commented and then my apeal
erm dude? have you decided? im sorry if im annoying you.
kk thanks
can you check out my post for mjy plot on creative pls?
I changed my name from dash145 to ToxicGhost and my plot on creative is still owned by dash145. now everyone that comes can break and take my...
did you get your conclusion?
I shall be patient lol
umm pile nightfire was online and posted on my apeal. he never denied or accepted it. could u look at it?
umm bro? you havent responded on my apeal..
you still online?