I uploaded a hacker report :D. check it out?
Your ingame name: ToxicGhost The offender's ingame name: CAPTAINMARK2000 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: i was fighting...
LOL is that why you lost to spy in like 5 seconds?
LOL you rely on mcmmo. lmao
ye lol ik you when u didnt have a base. i tpad you to some giant base and it had a giant nether wart farm under it and had a gold farm
is me being dash good or bad?
i have lol. why?
ikr before facs reset you just gave me a but ton of diamond blocks lol. (Im Dash145 btw lol)
also btw if you are backstab that means you do hack... that account had aura on at spawn
doesnt mean your op. you just use it.
Ok yea you said this was your opinion list and it is. in my opinion yes your one of the richest and best but not hells and lion is meh
You say its true because your on there. this is a list of opinion not fact.
thats an opinion lol
Hey i made a report on someone for disrespect. Wanna check it out?
Hey i uploaded a report on disrespect on a player. wanna check it out?
Your ingame name: ToxicGhost The offender's ingame name: Hells_Redempt A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: They went on my...
but 3 hours is so long lol its already 9
yes it was just look up to my reply above this and you should see. and you had already banned me for this so yea...
Hey! wanna check out my report on supreme?
Here just look next to my name and as you can see the : is a space away