Hi, Im toxicGhost (aka dash145). Although i joined The fourms in 2014. I started playing mineverse and minecraft in general in the summer of...
Dam XD ive played since about 2013. and your server made me start playing pc mc. But ever since the end of 2015 your servers gone dead.... Hell...
not yet
is town down?
Your forums account name: ToxicGhost The offender's forums account name (link to profile): ITacoSouping A description of what rule they...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9Y26YWJox4 is the vid link for ITacoSouping
ahh nitro. stubborn as always XD.
Sorry, but back when i played most mods didnt care. there would would be people hacking and telling others to kys and a mod could see that and not...
Hello, i am ToxicGhost i got minecraft because i saw my friend playing skyblock on mineverse. (the og skywars before the update). I am a very old...
Your ingame name:ToxicGhost The offender's exact ingame name: STRETCHAT1ST ethan_purser A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...
Thanks for the report thing. just asking but does that ban pvpmaster sense he admited to it?
ay. mind checking my report on advertising out?
hey i have 2 reports up. wanna check out the advertising one?
Your ingame name: ToxicGhost The offender's ingame name: iCuntpvpHD which is pvpmasterwtf A description of what rule they broke/how they broke...
yes he said tp. then i went "afk" but i didnt really and he tried to burn me.
Your ingame name: ToxicGhost The offender's ingame name: xXScrubMuffinXx A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: i was on there...
if you notice for a quick second around 1:16 when he goes down and i swim up he hits me when hes about 6 blocks away and hes not looking at me
yes if you notice when he it in the water at 1:17 he isnt facing me but yet he is able to hit me
I uploaded a report on a hacker. wanna check it out?