To get your axe skill up, do you have to hit players, I've tryed hitting mobs, like zombies.
Thank you for your report. This report has been resolved. This thread was moved to Reports - Archives.
Warp doesn't exist, And there is no evidence of him announcing it, so it's invalid.
Wanna go jelly fishing! lol :33
Come back bro, please..
I've seen the warp, it's a death trap, And it's claimed by nkale.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.
Okay thanks!
What's the mod where you can see how much hearts your opponent has, And the mod where you can see how much damage your armour has taken?
24 hours to provide evidence or I will close this thread.
I've played this before, it's so fun. Support.
That's render lagg, have you seen the thread that says, read before you report glide hackers, You will then know that this is render lagg, no hacks.
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No support, Sorry, but good luck.
I have 1.8k, used to :.(
Thanks for reporting, Awating for player to come online for warning.