I bought a Jeep.
I knew this was a scam, You can't even get 100k on OpPvp..
1. Your in-game name: jadey64 2. The offender's in-game: M4ster_M4in 3. A description of what rule they broke/ how they broke it: Advertising....
This happened to me, Someone bombed the whole outside of my plot.
Sounds cool, but the pictures aren't showing...
Support, I love the game, so this would be excellent, I also like the map a lot, <3
You mean like /party, Anyway's support.
Currently on Infection, I am one more rank away from finishing Infection, And I know over four to five people that have already finished it, or...
Support, I want this fixed, but it's kinda pointless for me now, I'm one rank away from finishing Infection.
Just you, Mineverse is fine for me, :P
Hybrid cannon would rekt that, I'll find you, and I'll raid you :)
Good, leave Mineverse, Don't go ahead and make a thread if your just gonna cry and whine about it.
There's no point of claiming spawn, you can't break or add blocks there anyway, Unless if they're waiting for a glitch to happen, where the spawn...
The whole point of this thread was worthless, In fact this thread got him banned, lol.
hi am i cool
Sad to see you go! Hope you come back soon! :(
Nice! Wanna see mine, :eek:
1. Your in-game name: jadey64 2. The offender's in-game name: mw123456789010 & chopchop811 3. A description of what rule they broke/how they broke...