Oh okay! :)
Heyy! :) Hiya! :)
Oh yeah, Wait, what about the purple one, doesn't that equal six?
Oops sorry, forgot to add that in, I'll think about that, and when I come up with an idea, I'll add it in, thanks for reminding me though! :)
Hello there, My name is jadey64, not in real life but that's my minecraft username, anyway's I hope you enjoy my intro! My in-game name is:...
Welcome to the forums, that signature tho.
%50 support.
A mod can tp him out of there, If a mod and him can join at the same time, maybe the mod can get him out of there.
Haven't seen you in absolutely ages, please come back...
It's your internet/router I haven't lagged in past few weeks, server's fine for me, it's just their/your internet.
Well you did /plotme dispose which means you disposed it, So now, yes it's gone, don't blame the server, it was your own mistake, but you can...
Instead of it just being for donators, Maybe like a kit for everyone, like everyone can do /kit cobblestone Because the votes don't work on...
Some people auction like there sword or axe to show everyone they're enchants on their weapon, And sometimes people auction something by mistake,...
I know this may sound silly, but what if I apply for guard, opinions?
Staff go - 1, Players go + 1, So it'll be 51, continue?
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Well today I was thinking about adding another gamemode to my list, so I thought if we could add this to the game, anyways if...
New game added to the list, read and enjoy!
Also thanks for all the feedback, hopefully Crew or Merkz can see this.
Bringing this baby back to the top.
Agreed, I miss the heads, Support, :P