Thanks for all the feedback, really appreciated.
I play Xbox, I'm getting the Xbox one in a couple of days, noob
Okay, well hi.
Hello! D:
Sure! My old server was shut down, so what server, send ip through pm?
I was thinking about making the map for it, But I'm banned from Creative, so I'll make it on singleplayer and I'll take pictures of it.
Added two new pictures, lol enjoy.
Not yet, I'm up to the mission where your in the jail.
Hiya! :) Thank you. :t:
Heigh! :) hello fry nub! :)
Added a new part, it's called levers, Anyone wanna check it out, it's not part of the game, but I thought it'd be cool, Also it'll help with...
True, but I heard it helps when the old ones come near you.
I like how you get the mask, :P
This sounds awesome, Support.
It's not a game for halloween, It's a game that could hopefully stay on the server.
Support, good luck! :) You were my first follower on Skyblock, Also your a good moderator on Hellblock, I've seen you on heaps of times, Hope...
Hey! <33 Maybe, <3 And, hi :)
Edited, fixed it up, thanks for the suggestions! :)
I'll add in the stuff/equipment that the guards will get. And I'll add in more players for the guard and for the bears, since there's eight...