No Support. Suggestions: Add more information. Fix grammar related errors. Be more active on the Forums. Add color and bold (optional).
No Support.
Gratz :DDD
Thank you! Thanks. Thank you very much! :D
Did you get your tickets to the gun show? ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
You went to the hotsprings? :O Nice, nice
Ahh. Well, the world may never know ;)
Adventure Time, come on grab your fri... Copyrighted.
Don't know what an alias is, but okay. Thanks for your Support. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thanks.
No Support. Good application, but I do not think that you are ready.
Neutral. Space out questions and answers, please. :3
If you are giving up this Moderator Application, please contact a Mod to close this thread. Thank you. Sad to see you give up :(
No Support. My reasons and suggestions are already stated by other members.
No Support. I think you, even you, can figure why.
Survival is great, but it has its problems, and one of them, is that you can't teleport to a random place. Many players like to travel around and...
Thanks for your Support.
Playing Survival... like always... yeahhhh....