Ahh. Well, I'm still Neutral.
Thanks :)
Thanks. Thank you.
Thanks! :D
No Support. Suggestions: Add more information. Add more traits that you have. Fix grammar related errors. Good luck.
No Support. Suggestions: Add more information. Put the questions with the answers. Improve your English grammar. Add color and bold...
No Support. Suggestions: Add more information. Be much more active on the Forums. Fix grammar related errors. Add color (optional). Good luck.
Neutral. Maybe space out your questions and answers.
No Support.
No Support. Suggestions: Add more information. Lower the font number. Add color (optional). Good luck.
No Support. Please follow the template for Moderator Applications.
Happy Birthday! :D
(ノಠ ∩ಠ)ノ彡( o°o) My 'comeback' when I don't have a comeback.
No Support. Suggestions: Add more information. Add traits that you have that can help you become a great Mod if you ever become one. Fix grammar...
Support. Why aren't you Mod already? O.o
No Support. Suggestions: Maybe add more traits. Add more information. Fix grammar related errors. Add color and bold (optional). Good luck.
Thanks! /Wilderness definitely does help! Thanks for your Support.