So, this idea was something I had seen from another server I played. The idea is of a plot-like server, with a survival twist. This is were there...
The servers are meant to be kept at a PG level (This includes no swearing, sexual harassment, etc.) and I fail to see the rule being broken by...
Could you please capitalise the P in my name, thanks. It's not a big deal at all, but I would rather have it fixed than left as it is.
Just dislike their post, it has the same affect on them ^^
And many other 'good friends' of Noobcrew have decided to abuse their powers before, leading to a complete global ban from his servers.
This forums seems to have a much cleaner emote selection and rating selection compared to the skyblock forum.
Personally, I feel this spawn lacks imagination. Sure, everybody can build a Quartz box that displays rules, a staff list and FAQ, but not...
How to get off-topic on page 1^
Could you guys please stop arguing and leave a moderator to come to a decision. I will not tag a moderator, since I am not currently familiar...
Second most beautiful signature ever.
How does that change anything? He deliberately 'troll'ed players as an attempt to entertain players. Not only was this abuse of powers, but abuse...
Support, since you got that Slug entertainment system.
Hi guys, I am Pyhxil. Yeah. If somebody could capitalise my 'p' on my name, that would be great. I'll see you around. :)